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Case 1

38-year-old woman presented with intermittent fullness in her ears. She complained of autophony. She obtained relief from lying down. Abnormal tympanic membrane movements was detected by impedance audiometry during hyperventilation.
Top; At rset, Below; On hyperventilation.

Audiogram revealed right low frequency sensory hearing disturbance(yellow line). Jia-Wei-Gui-Pi-Tang was administrated and she had a partial relief 2 days after. On 7 days administration, she had a complete relief and her hearing disturbance was improved(green line).

Case 2

48-year-old woman presented with two weeks history of intermittent fullness and autophony in her right ear. She obtained relief from lying down. She had 8 Kg weight loss during a month. Abnormal tympanic membrane movements was detected by impedance audiometry during hyperventilation.
Top; At rset, Below; On hyperventilation.

Audiogram revealed right low frequency sensory hearing disturbance(yellow line). Jia-Wei-Gui-Pi-Tang was administrated and she had a partial relief 3 days after. On 7 days administration, she had a complete relief and her hearing disturbance was improved(green line).

Case 3

36-year-old woman presented with six month histort of intermittent fullness in her ears and dizziness. Abnormal tympanic membrane movements was detected by impedance audiometry during hyperventilation.
Top; At rset, Below; On hyperventilation.

Audiogram revealed right low frequency sensory hearing disturbance(yellow line). Jia-Wei-Gui-Pi-Tang was administrated and she had a partial relief 3 days after. On 7 days administration, she had a complete relief and her hearing disturbance was improved(green line).

Case 4

27-year-old man presented with 4 day history of intermittent fullness in his right ear. He obtained relief from lying down. Abnormal tympanic membrane movements was detected by impedance audiometry during hyperventilation.
Top; At rset, Below; On hyperventilation.

Audiogram revealed right low frequency sensory hearing disturbance(yellow line). Jia-Wei-Gui-Pi-Tang was administrated and he had a partial relief 4 days after. On 7 days administration, he had a complete relief and her hearing disturbance was improved(green line).

Case 5

64-year-old man presented with 2 week history of intermittent fullness in his ears. He obtained relief from lying down. Abnormal tympanic membrane movements was detected by impedance audiometry during hyperventilation.
Top; At rset, Below; On hyperventilation.

Audiogram revealed right mixed hearing disturbance(yellow line). Jia-Wei-Gui-Pi-Tang was administrated and she had a partial relief 3 days after. On 14 days administration, he had a complete relief and her hearing disturbance was improved(green line).

Shigeru Ishikawa (