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On-Line Articles PET Treated with Jia-Wei-Gui-Pi-Tang PET and Stress:Control Study(Under Construction) PET and Stress:pre-post analysis(Under Construction) Sudden Deafness and PET(Under Construction)
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-Refferences of PET- J Jago (1870) Function of Tympanum. Brit. & For. M. -Chir. Rev. 45 :229,1870 Shambaugh GE:Continuously open eustachian tube.Arch Otolaryngol 27:420-425,1938 Perlmann HB:The Eustachian Tube:Abnormal Patency and Normal Physiologic State.Arch Otolaryngol 30:212-238,1939 Moore PM and Miller JB:Patulous eustachian tube.Arch Otolaryng 54:643-650,1951 Suehs OW:The abnormally open eustachian tube.Laryngoscope70:1418-1426,1960 Miller JB:Patulous eustachian tubes in pregnancy.West J Surg Obst & Gynec 70:156-159, 1962 Pulec JL and Simonton KM:Abnormal patency of the eustachian tube;report on 41cases. Laryngoscope 74:267-271,1964 Thaler S and Yanagisawa E:The abnormally patent eustachian tube.Arch Otolaryngol 84:414-421,1966 Pulec JL; Hahn FW Jr:The abnormally patulous eustachian tube.Otolaryngol Clin North Am 3:131-140,1970. Language: ENGLISH Nishiyama A:[Case of functional rhinolalia clausa complicated with patulous Eustachian tube]Jibiinkoka 43 : p893-895,1971. 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A specific issue and its solution. Management of the patulous Eustachian tube.Laryngoscope 91 :149-152 1981. Language: ENGLISH Plate S; Johnsen NJ; Nodskov Pedersen S; Thomsen KA:The frequency of patulous Eustachian tubes in pregnancy.Clin Otolaryngol 4 :393-400 1979. Language: ENGLISH O'Connor AF; Shea JJ:Autophony and the patulous eustachian tube.Laryngoscope 91 :1427-1435,1981.Language: ENGLISH Virtanen H; Palva T:The patulous Eustachian tube and chronic middle ear disease. Acta Otolaryngol (Stockh) 93 :49-53,1982. Language: ENGLISH Virtanen H:Objective tubal tinnitus: a report of two cases.J Laryngol Otol 97:857-862,1983. Language: ENGLISH Bluestone CD:Eustachian tube function: physiology, pathophysiology, and role of allergy in pathogenesis of otitis media.J Allergy Clin Immunol 72 :242-251,1983. Language: ENGLISH Virtanen H; Palva T:Surgical treatment of patulous eustachian tube.Arch Otolaryngol 108 :735-739 ,1982. Language: ENGLISH Finkelstein Y; Talmi YP; Rubel Y; Zohar Y:An objective method for evaluation of the patulous eustachian tube by using the middle ear analyzer.Department of Otolaryngology, Golda Medical Center, Hasharon Hospital, Petah Tikva, Israel. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 114 :1134-1138,1988. Language: ENGLISH Heermann J:Einseitig weite Tuba auditiva mit Tinnitus, Innenohrschaden, Schwindel und Horsturz--Collageninjektion.[Unilateral patulous eustachian tube with tinnitus, inner ear damage, vertigo and sudden deafness--collagen injection] HNO-Klinik, Alfried Krupp Krankenhaus, Essen.HNO 36 :13-15,1988. Language: GERMAN Summary Language: ENGLISH Malm L:The influence of pregnancy on the eustachian tube function in rats. Department of Otorhinolaryngology, University of Lund, Sweden.Acta Otolaryngol (Stockh) 104 :251-254,1987. Language: ENGLISH Robinson PJ; Hazell JW:Patulous eustachian tube syndrome: the relationship with sensorineural hearing loss.Treatment by eustachian tube diathermy.Royal Ear Hospital, London.J Laryngol Otol 103:739-742,1989.Language: ENGLISH Morita M; Matsunaga T:Effects of an anti-cholinergic on the function of patulous eustachian tube.Department of Otolaryngology, Osaka University School of Medicine, Japan.Acta Otolaryngol Suppl (Stockh) 458:63-66,1988. Language: ENGLISH Chen DA; Luxford WM:Myringotomy and tube for relief of patulous eustachian tube symptoms.University of Pittsburgh, Eye and Ear Hospital, Pennsylvania. Am J Otol 11:272-273,1990. Language: ENGLISH Tolley NS; Phelps P:Patulous eustachian tube: a radiological perspective.Royal National Throat, Nose and Ear Hospital, London.J Laryngol Otol 104 :291-293,1990. Language: ENGLISH Dyer RK Jr; McElveen JT Jr:The patulous eustachian tube: management options. 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Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 249:91-92,1992. Language: ENGLISH Ostfeld EJ; Silberberg A:Theoretic analysis of middle ear gas composition under conditions of nonphysiologic ventilation.Department of Materials and Interfaces Research, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel.Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 101:445-449, 1992. Language: ENGLISH DiBartolomeo JR; Henry DF:A new medication to control patulous eustachian tube disorders. Department of Head and Neck Surgery, UCLA.Am J Otol 13:323-327,1992. Language: ENGLISH Sakakihara J; Honjo I; Fujita A; Kurata K; Takahashi H:Compliance of the patulous eustachian tube.Department of Otolaryngology, Faculty of Medicine, Kyoto University, Japan.Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol (UNITED STATES) 102 :110-112 ,1993. Language: ENGLISH Henry DF; DiBartolomeo JR:Patulous eustachian tube identification using tympanometry. School of Communicative Disorders, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point 54481. J Am Acad Audiol (CANADA) 4 :53-57,1993. Language: ENGLISH Heermann J:Predominance of left ear in Meniere's disease, sudden deafness, inner ear damage, tinnitus and abnormally patent eustachian tube.ENT Department, Krupp Hospital, Essen, Germany.Ear Nose Throat J (UNITED STATES) 72 :205-208,1993. Language: ENGLISH
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-Refferences of Treatments of PET- Bezold F. Textbook of otology for physicians and students. p151.Published by E H Colglove, Chicago, 1908 Pulec S. Abnormally patent Eustachian tube. Laryngoscope,77:1543-1554,1967 Ogawa S.Patulous Eustachian tube syndrome. Archives of Otolaryngology,102:276-280,1976 Mysurya P K.Surgical treatment of the abnormally patulous Eustachian tube.Journal of Larungology nad Otology,88:877-883,1974 Virtanen H,Surgical treatment of patulous Eustachian tube,Archives of Otolaryngology , 108:735-739,1982 Bluestone C D.Certain effects of adenoidectomy on Eustachian tube ventilatory function, Laryngoscope 85:113-127,1975 Suehs O W.The abnormally open Eustachian tube,Laryngoscope 70:1416-1426,1960 Robinson P J.Patulous Eustachin tube syndrome.J of Laryngology and Otology 103 739-742, 1989 Ishikawa S :Patulous Eustachian Tube Treated with Chinese Medicine, Kamikihi-To.Jibiinkouka-Rinshou 87:10;1337-1347,1994 Kyoto (Lang.Japanese) |
Shigeru Ishikawa(ishikawa@po.incl.ne.jp) |